SILENT Piano™ SH Utgått

- 19 klangfarger

19 lyder, inkludert cembalo, orgelstrenger, celeste og jazzorgel, gir et bredt utvalg av musikkuttrykk.

- CFX binaural sampling

- For the first time ever the Silent Piano™ offers sound sampled from the Yamaha CFX full concert grand piano, supporting the beauty of its clear, vivid tones with the power of this renowned instrument.

- Yamaha’s first model with binaural sampling system, enabling reproduction of natural and three-dimensional sound.

[ Binaural sampling system ]

A recording system in which microphones are installed in the ears of a dummy (see diagram) so that the sound can be reproduced the way it is heard by the player.

- When playing in "Silent" mode, the player feels as though the CFX sounds are coming directly from the piano.

- Utstyrt med AUX- og MIDI-tilkoblinger

- AUX and MIDI terminals allow the sound to be output to a variety of external devices (e.g. stereo components, IC recorders, speakers with built-in amplifiers, stereo systems).

- Connecting SH type pianos to external devices such as sound source modules and music players (CD players etc.) via AUX IN terminals allows players to listen to the sound from these external devices on the headphones while they play the piano.

- Connecting MIDI devices such as synthesizers to SH type pianos via MIDI OUTPUT terminals allows players to transmit performance information to external devices for playback.

- Connecting music sequencers to SH type pianos via MIDI IN terminals allows the players to receive and play back the performance information provided by the sequencers using the sound source of SH type pianos.

- Fire typer pianoeffekter for gjengivelse av lyder som er karakteristiske for akustiske verk

- String resonance: Reproduces the expressive tonal colors that are created as strings hit by hammers resonate with other strings.

- Key-off sampling: Reproduces the subtle changes of sound that occur when the damper touches the strings.

- Sustain sampling: Records the rich sounds that are generated as the player depresses a pedal during performance.

- Damper resonance: Reproduces the deep and expansive resonance that is generated when the player depresses a pedal. Subtle changes in nuance that occur during the performance can be reproduced faithfully.

- Hammer sensors

Yamaha’s Silent Piano™ are fitted with hammer sensors that allow even slow keystrokes or rapid trills that would be difficult for key sensors to detect to be read accurately. To ensure that they do not affect the feel of the keyboard in any way, Yamaha uses non-contact sensors.

- Tangentsensorer

Under hver av de 88 tangentene er det en Yamaha-unik greyscale tangent-sensor med kontinuerlig-detektering. Disse sensorene detekterer bevegelsene til tangentene, og gjør det mulig med naturlig musikkuttrykk selv når pianoet er i «Silent»-modus. Siden de ikke er i kontakt med tangentene, påvirker ikke disse sensorene følelsen av klaviaturet på noen som helst måte.

- Stor kapasitet (256MB) av wave-minne

Denne økningen i minnekapasitet gjør at SH-typen kan gjenskape selv den subtile forskjellen i nyanser fra tangentberøring, og dermed øke uttrykksfullheten på prestasjonen betraktelig.

- Maksimalt 256 samtidige polyfoniske toner

Det maksimale antallet simultant polyfoni på SH-typen er 256 toner. Med økningen i maksimalt antall polyfoni kan CFX-sampling og pianoeffekter utnyttes mer effektivt for forbedret presisjon i lydgjengivelse.

- Metronom

SH-typen har en innebygd metronom som kan brukes i «Silent»-modus slik at de som spiller kan lytte til presise rytmer gjennom hodetelefonene mens de spiller.

- Newly fitted with speaker output function

- Speaker output terminals have been newly added to the GM unit installed at the bottom of the tenor section of SH type pianos. By connecting speakers equipped with built-in amplifiers to these output terminals, the performance conducted in "Silent" mode can be output through the speakers.

- Speaker output terminals also support TRS phone jacks, which are highly noise-resistant and thus suitable for use in music performances, such as those on stages, that require long cables.

- Hodetelefoner med åpen struktur som kan produsere klar lyd av høy kvalitet

- The headphones that come exclusively with SH type pianos are designed in a way that minimizes the strain on users after long hours of playing.

- This newly employed headphones contribute to the improvement of sound quality as well as to the reduction of fatigue during performance.

- Quick escape system

Silent Piano™ har et quick escape-system som tillater at lyddempingsmekanismen blir montert på et flygel uten å ofre noe av spillbarheten eller musikalsk uttrykk som kreves av et slikt instrument ved en akustisk opptreden. Dette systemet tillater optimal separering mellom hammerne og strengene ved å justere avstanden mellom hammerne og strengene, og sørge for at følelsen til klaviaturet holder seg i best mulig tilstand enten en spiller akustisk eller med avdempet lyd.

- Simple and easy switching to "Silent" mode with the press of a button

While conventional grand Silent Piano™ require lever operation for switching to "Silent" mode, SH type Silent Piano™ do it all via motor activation with a single press of a button.

- To opptakssystemer (innebygd opptaker og USB lydopptaker)

- The performance can be recorded in two different ways. It can be recorded either directly to the built-in recorder of a piano, or to a USB audio recorder, in which case the data stored in USB flash memory in WAV format can be played on a PC as well.

- Using a built-in recorder is more convenient if the players wish to listen to the recorded piece right away. It allows them to listen to the entire performance of a music piece or to go back and listen to a particular section of the piece.

- Since performances are saved in WAV format with a USB audio recorder, they can be recorded onto CDs or played on portable music players.

- Brukervennlig kontrollpanel

Blue-lit control buttons on the front panel are easy to identify and provide superb operability. Moreover custom-made white pianos come with white control units.

Eksklusive funksjoner og fantastisk betjeningsmulighet av SH-typen

Åpne hodetelefoner og en rekke tilkoblingsmuligheter

Realistisk klangfarge for tro gjengivelse

Unik Yamaha-teknologi beholder den svært viktige flygelfølelsen i anslaget

Yamahas Silent Piano™ har en rekke unike teknologier som lar dem tilby en følelse som er forbausende nær et akustisk flygel selv i «Silent»-modus.