CLP-535 - Funksjoner - Clavinova - Pianos - Musikkinstrumenter - Produkter - Yamaha - Norge

Et ekte konsertflygeluttrykk: Lyd, berøring, pedaler er perfekt integrert for å gi deg følelsen av å spille på et konsertflygel.

Real Grand Expression; a phrase that defines the expressive capability of Clavinova. It is the key components of the sound, the touch and the pedals, together with the application of technology developed through a history of acoustic piano manufacturing. With Real Grand Expression, these elements are combined perfectly into a single instrument, creating the exact sound you want through the touch of the keys and the feel of the pedals. When you play a Clavinova, you can imagine that you are playing a grand piano.

Outstanding piano sound

Two of the world's finest grands....

The CFX, Yamaha’s finest concert grand selected and played by the winner of the 2010 International Chopin Piano Competition and the Imperial from Bösendorfer, a brand held in high esteem by pianists throughout its long history. These renowned pianos are characterised by distinctive traits such as power, versatility, subtlety, lightness and mellowness.

Both of these superb pianos’ Voices are featured in the Clavinova. Tuned to perfection by a highly experienced piano technician with the sound from each key sampled individually, Clavinova truly captures the unique tonal character of each of these outstanding instruments.

With Clavinova, you can enjoy the exquisite beauty of the sought-after tone that the CFX and Bösendorfer Imperial deliver.

Gjenskaper resonansen og klangen fra et akustisk flygel

The Clavinova faithfully recreates the sound of an acoustic piano by utilising features such as String Resonance to emulate the mellow tonal colors that occur when strings react to one another. The result is a beautiful tone with rich, deep reverberation.

In addition to the reverberation of the strings themselves, Damper Resonance reproduces the broad, deep sound field of an acoustic piano. It also mirrors the tonal changes that result when a damper pedal on a grand piano is depressed. It includes sounds such as those emitted from the key bed and emulates the cumulative resonance that occurs when all of these sounds blend together.

Smooth tonal transitions, perfectly matched to the player's touch

A pianist changes the volume and dynamics of the sound by varying the pressure applied to the keys. A Clavinova responds perfectly to give the player an outstanding level of performance control. By using long, carefully-sampled recordings of notes on a piano and unique Yamaha technologies to achieve smooth tonal transitions, rich sonic detail is delivered in response to the touch of the player.

From staccato to legato, superbly expressive sound that responds to the player's touch

Featuring Yamaha's Smooth Release technology, Clavinova recreates the crisp tone heard when playing staccato as well as the lingering sound produced by releasing the keys slowly.

Key-off samplinger - Tangentretur

I det øyeblikket en pianist løfter fingrene fra tangentene på et flygel, forekommer det tydelige endringer i instrumentets tone når demperen senkes mot strengene. Sampling av tangentretur er faktiske opptak av disse endringene, med en nøyaktig gjengivelse av de mest subtile nyansene i pianoets tone for å skape et mer realistisk lydbilde.

256-toners polyfoni

Powerful polyphony ensures that more complex passages of music can be played without notes cutting off.

Suveren spillbarhet og følelse

Gradert Hammer 3X (GH3X)-tangenter

Using knowledge gained from many years of piano manufacturing, Yamaha Clavinova has an incredibly realistic keyboard feel that recreates the sensation of playing an acoustic instrument. By using a similar hammer mechanism (with no springs) as that found in a grand piano, the GH3 keyboard action reproduces the touch of an acoustic instrument, from the heavier feel in the lower register to the lighter touch in the upper octaves. It also features a three-sensor configuration which accurately senses and interprets the behaviour of the keyboard to create a response and feel very much like that of a grand piano.

The newly developed GH3X keyboards also feature an escapement mechanism that reproduces a slight clicking sensation near the bottom of the key dip, and they have been designed in such a way that the click is discernible only on the lightest keystrokes, similar to the keyboard of a grand piano.

Synthetic Ivory key tops

Tangentoverflate i syntetisk elfenben reproduserer den samme overflaten som på et akustisk piano. De har svært absorberende materialer som hindrer at fingrene glir, selv etter flere timers spilling, samtidig som den gir den ideelle struktur og følelse.

Mekanikk for enestående lyd

Full-bodied tone and resonance

The sound of a Clavinova is calibrated in fine detail, with speaker positioning and body materials checked to ensure that the entire instrument resonates optimally. To create a sound field that is very close to that of a grand piano, the Clavinova features tone escapements in several locations throughout the body that allow the sound from the speakers to be projected to the listener without being trapped inside the instrument.

Acoustic Optimizer

Selve kroppen på YDP-S52 inneholder Acoustic Optimizere, som regulerer lydens vandring og dermed styrer tonen. Det er en ny teknologi utviklet med Yamahas inngående kunnskap om egenskaper til akustiske musikkinstrumenter. Acoustic Optimizers sørger for en naturlig og jevn lyd over hele klaviaturet.

Andre funksjoner

Intuitivt grensesnitt

En lettlest LCD-display og intuitiv layout gir enklere bruk av Clavinova, noe som gir deg mer tid til å fokusere på å spille.

A variety of piano lesson pieces

Inkluderer øvelser for å trene pianoteknikker fra Hanon, Bayer, Czerny and Burgmüller.

Multi-track song recording

The recording function featured in Clavinova digital pianos allows you to record your performances with a single touch, which is useful when you want to review or archive your playing. You can record up to 16 tracks for simultaneous playback.


Spill inn direkte til et USB-minne og skap lydfiler (WAV-format) som du kan lagre og spille av på en datamaskin, en bærbar enhet eller dele med venner.

Et omfattende utvalg av lyder

In addition to pianos, the Clavinova CLP Series boasts an impressive library of additional voices including electric pianos, strings and organs. Enjoy the freedom to choose the ideal voice for the genre of music you want to play.

New reverb that offers dynamic ambience and spatial effects

A new reverb system allows to you experience the sensation of playing in a large concert hall, cathedral or other venue, adding depth and atmosphere to the sound. Now you can experience concert hall ambience and spaciousness in the privacy of your own home.

IAC (Intelligent Acoustic Control)

The ability to adjust performance volume is extremely useful at home where players may not always be able to play at high volume levels. However, at low volumes, bass and treble may become difficult to hear. To counter this, Clavinova is equipped with Intelligent Acoustic Control (IAC), which adjusts the sound automatically, allowing players to enjoy balanced sound at any volume level.

Powerful connectivity

A range of Apps to expand your musical horizons

Hvis du bruker en iPad, iPhone eller iPod touch, kan Yamahas apper gjøre øvingen mer kreativ, hyggelig og morsom.