N3 Utgått
Spesialtilpasset flygelmekanikk og tangenter

The nuanced touch and response of the grand piano are an essential standard yardstick for piano quality. It offers the player a specially-developed grand piano action that features the same configuration as the action of a real grand. The hammers strike the ""strings"" from underneath, allowing minute adjustments to the weight distribution of the hammers, and to the movement of the hammers themselves, for a smoother feel when playing. In addition to a hammer sensor, this instrument employs a non-contact key sensor that has no effect on the movement of the keys, affording excellent recognition of the player's pressure on the keyboard, timing, and the other delicate nuances that affect musical expression. This combination provides an impressive sensitivity for the entire range from pianissimo through to fortissimo, and the ability to translate even the swiftest trills of the pianist with transparency. The wood construction of the keyboard mirrors that of the grand piano, and features New Ivory II on the white keys. This is a unique new material developed by Yamaha, with a texture superbly close to that of natural ivory, allowing you to play swift passages with ease while also offering a sure response for slower pieces.Characters left: 8192
Spatial Acoustic Sampling

Med introduksjonen av AvantGrand startet Yamaha en revolusjon i tilnærmingen til sampling og gjengivelse av tonene fra det akustiske pianoet. Ved å behandle klangbunnen som noe mer enn en punktkilde, men som en flate, samplet vi lyd ved fire plasseringer, og la til optimalt sentrum og plasseringer bak til de tradisjonelle plasseringene til venstre og høyre. Som lydkilde valgte vi det beste enkeltinstrumentet fra vår CFIIIS-serie av konsertflygler for sampling. Sluttresultatet av disse anstrengelsene er at AvantGrand-serien av instrumenter gjenskaper den originale lyden av et fantastisk flygel nesten til perfeksjon. I mellomtiden har AvantGrands høyttalersystem blitt designet for å sørge for at lyden høres best der pianisten sitter, foran pianoet. Høyttalersystemet er delt inn i tre deler med bass, mellomtone og diskant, noe som gir en naturlig etterklang i klangbunnen. Dessuten har hver enkelt av høyttalerne sin egen forsterker for å redusere interferens mellom frekvensområder. Takket være den nyskapende konfigurasjonen lykkes instrumentets lydsystem å gjenskape nyansene for hver enkelt tone. For enda større sonisk nøyaktighet er høyttalernes layout optimalisert for størrelsen til instrumentene.
Spatial Acoustic høyttalersystem

Opening the lid of the instrument reveals 4 speakers in an impressive and attractive layout. This instrument utilizes a four-channel multi-speaker system, designed in a three-way configuration with the bass woofer pointed down and the treble cones facing up, to allow more natural reverberation in the soundboard. Each of the speakers in this layout is equipped with its own dedicated amplifier, a luxury that reduces the interference in each pitch range and offers more natural expression to the delicate nuances in each sound. Moreover, by using speaker positioning that mimics the positions in the grand piano from which the original samples were taken, it offers a more natural sound to the pianist.
Spatial Acoustic høyttalersystem

Together with a variety of piano sounds, this instrument features samples of the actual vibrations from within the soundboard of the instrument. To permit the sound to travel well to the player's position, as it does with a grand piano, we sampled the sound from four locations in the left, right, center, and rear of a grand piano. Sampling from deeper inside the instrument, we were able reproduce the attraction of the original sound almost perfectly. It was the experience of our engineers, and a reiterative cycle of trial and error conducted with piano tuners that made this success possible. And of course, the samples in this instrument are all taken from a specially-selected example of Yamaha's CFIIIS full concert grand piano.
Klangbunn resonator

Together with a variety of piano sounds, this instrument features samples of the actual vibrations from within the soundboard of the instrument. To permit the sound to travel well to the player's position, as it does with a grand piano, we sampled the sound from four locations in the left, right, center, and rear of a grand piano. Sampling from deeper inside the instrument, we were able reproduce the attraction of the original sound almost perfectly. It was the experience of our engineers, and a reiterative cycle of trial and error conducted with piano tuners that made this success possible. And of course, the samples in this instrument are all taken from a specially-selected example of Yamaha's CFIIIS full concert grand piano.