RIVAGE PM Series deployed for the Opening Celebration of the 7th T20 Women’s World Cup cricket at Sydney Showground Stadium

Based in Sydney, Australia, The P.A. People is highly regarded as one of Australia’s premier audio vendors and were appointed to deliver a major upgrade of the audio system for the iconic venue and home to the GWS Giants AFL and Sydney Thunder BBL sporting teams.
The new, extensive audio system is rounded out with a Yamaha QL5 digital mixing console connected via Dante to Rio1608-D2 audio interfaces and was first trialled during the Sydney Thunder BBL games in January. System operator Trevor Beck was suitably impressed: “The system has far better clarity and coverage than the old rig. It makes operating gigs like the Big Bash quite pleasant!”
Whilst installation of the audio upgrade was in its later stages, Event Producer Michael Cassel Group was appointed to produce the Opening Celebration for the T20 Women’s World Cup, the biennial international championship of the top 10 ranked countries of the International Cricket Council (ICC) in terms of women's cricket. Veteran Technical Director Nick Newey was assigned the task of putting together the team of suppliers and following a consultative period, The P.A. People were appointed as audio and communications supplier for the large-scale event.
The opening celebration encouraged the audience to get into the spirit of the show and celebrate the T20’s theme song ‘Get up and Dance’. With this in mind, the Michael Cassel Group were looking for an audio system that would provide solid performance and as such, The P.A. People turned once-again to Yamaha for a solution.

The front-of-house system was controlled on a Yamaha RIVAGE PM10 system with a pair of Mac Mini based QLab machines for playback. Each Mac Mini is mounted in a chassis fitted with a 128 channel Dante interface.

Monitor land which was located behind the stage featured a Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 system with an RPio622 audio interface housing 48 channels of SILK microphone inputs, 32 analog outputs and 8 AES/EBU input/output pairs, connected via TWINLANe.

Sam Dodds, Systems Engineer for the event commented “We use Dante as our primary mode of audio transport in all of our larger system designs and the Yamaha consoles all featuring native Dante connectivity. Apart from the use of Yamaha’s RPio stage boxes and its TWINLANe protocol, pretty much all of the system uses Dante. We really like the feature set of the Yamaha consoles, and have been asked to provide them on a number of recent projects.”

Sydney, Australia