Yamaha Delivers Turbulence-Free Sound At Aeroscopia

Aeroscopia is a museum which celebrates the huge contribution that the Midi-Pyrénées region has made to French civil and military aviation. As well as aircraft and themed exhibition areas, the museum features spaces for hospitality events, meetings and presentations. In all of them Yamaha audio systems deliver smooth, turbulence-free sound.

Toulouse is known globally for Airbus, but the area around the city has witnessed over a century of aviation - from France’s first powered flight by Clément Ader, via the Caravelle (the first French jet airliner) and Concorde, to the mighty Airbus A380. Appropriately, Aeroscopia is connected to Toulouse-Blagnac airport - where many French aircraft made their maiden flights - and is within easy reach of the city.
At the heart of the museum, the 506m² l’espace évènementiel (event space) can host up to 400 guests in a cocktail configuration, or 290 guests for a seated dinner. Here high quality background music is delivered by eight Yamaha VXS8 and two VXS10 loudspeakers, powered by XMV8140 and XMV4280 amplifiers.

The amphithéâtre (lecture theatre) features four VXS8 loudspeakers and an XMV4140 amplifier, while the meeting room includes four more VXS8 and two VXS5s, powered by an XMV8280 amplifier, both systems for presentations and video soundtracks.
The sound for each space is managed by its own MTX3 matrix processor and DCP series surface-mounted controllers. The system is also controlled by iPads running Yamaha’s ProVisionaire Touch app.
The system was installed by Patrick Balland of systems integrator Dushow Toulouse, who says, “We chose the Yamaha solution because the sound quality is excellent and the system was very straightforward to design and install, using simple RJ45 connectors. The MTX matrix processor, DCP controllers and ProVisionaire Touch allow for easy programming and operation of multiple zones, despite the different uses of the spaces.”