Henrik M. Schmidt

With a network of Artist Centres and Ateliers around the world, Yamaha works with leading players to support their performances and develop instrument designs and new ideas for the benefit of all musicians. Yamaha Artists share with us a passion for inspiring the next generation of players, and a belief that everybody should be encouraged to nurture their talent, connect with others and tell their stories through music.
Get to know percussion player and Yamaha Artist Henrik M. Schmidt
How does the instrument help you with your daily musical challenges?
As a professional, I need an instrument that delivers the highest quality in terms of tone, intonation, and producing a sound that carries, while not distracting me from my work with flimsy components or rickety frames. Yamaha instruments give me the assurance I need and expect in all of these aspects.
How would you describe your instrument?
Balanced, powerful sound, professionally finished.
Who was your most influential teacher and is there any advice that you still follow?
I have been fortunate to be able to study with a number of fantastic teachers. However, the phrase that shaped me the most and motivates me to this day has been and remains: "Try to become a musical artist and not just a musician."
What advice do you have for young musicians?
Be open to all influences and inspirations no matter what style, always think in new ways and form your own musical personality. Never let the fire for music go out!