Anders Kann Elten

With a network of Artist Centres and Ateliers around the world, Yamaha works with leading players to support their performances and develop instrument designs and new ideas for the benefit of all musicians. Yamaha Artists share with us a passion for inspiring the next generation of players, and a belief that everybody should be encouraged to nurture their talent, connect with others and tell their stories through music.
Get to know Yamaha Artist and Percussionist Anders Kann Elten
Statement about your relation with Yamaha or your instrument:
My relation with Yamaha dates back to around 2010, where I was fortunate enough to acquire a YM5100A 5 octave concert marimba, an instrument that still serves me very well.
How does your instrument help you in your daily life as an artist?
The YM5100A is an excellent instrument for the gigging percussionist, delivering a beautiful sustain and a very colourful tone, while at the same time being one of the absolutely easiest/fastest 5 octave marimbas to assemble/dissamble. The bars of the low end are relatively narrow compared to other marimba models, which allows the performer to reach larger intervals without breaking a sweat.
How would you characterise your instrument?
The YM5100A possesses a colourful tone and a balanced sustain, paired with a beautiful light-weight frame that is just made for gigging. A desireable combination, to say the least. A good marimba is like a good wine, maturing with age - my marimba sounds better and better as the years go by, a fact that I am truly grateful for.
Who was your most influential teacher and is there any advice which you still follow?
It is very hard for me to single out any single influence in terms of past teachers, but three names spring to mind: Johan Bridger, Theodor Milkov and Gert Mortensen. I still try to adhere to much of the advice found in the classic "Method of Movement" by Leigh Howard Stevens, in particular the following mantra: "Practice makes perfect - if you practice perfectly". Certainly easier said than done!
Advice for a young musician:
Practice a lot - becoming a musician is not easy, and surviving as one is even harder. Play what you love - but at the same time, always make a conscious effort to broaden your tastes. And, don't forget to read - keep the smartphone in the pocket (where it belongs) and always have a good book in your hands instead. You never know exactly what knowledge is going to prove useful to you somewhere down the road.